Single Review: 9 o'clock nasty & I am the Unicorn Head - Existential Dread (2022)

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Picture Credit: 9 o'clock nasty & I am the Unicorn Head

9 o'clock nasty & I am the Unicorn Head - Existential Dread
Release Date: September 03, 2022
Duration: 02:50
Genre: New Indie / Psychedelic Pop / Post Punk
Origin: Leicester, England / Saint Austell, England

This shall not become overly (pseudo-)philosophic but life is full of moments and dreams.
A moment is when you step on a lego, when you slip on a banana peel while carrying a huge egg box, or when you realize you missed an important deadline.
Dreams take place on the other side of your consciousness, and they could be a truck loaded with your favourite cereal crashing into a gigantic pond of almond milk while someone hands you a huge spoon, or when your greatest fantasty does not even come true but also turns out to be an amazing experience - the latter is not necessarily sexual, okay?
And then, there is that thin line where moments and dreams meet, that magical border region of dreams and desires coming true. This is the story of one those special moments.

Picture Credit: 9 o'clock nasty & I am the Unicorn Head

Leicester's 9 o'clock nasty are featured regularly on MangoWave as the ship load of posts behind this link will reveal. I am the Unicorn Head from Saint Austell may have had less appearances on these pages yet (find them here), but nevertheless the Cornish Jangle Pop and Indie Psych Pop duo belongs to the repertoire of MangoWave like the spork to a good cutlery drawer.
Well, after all the rambling and this article's head line, you will all know what happened. These five musicians unified their minds embracing the possibility of accidentally creating a supernova of Jangle Garage Post Psych Punk (and Roll). The result is here to amaze you: This is 'Existential Dread':

Like a Geiger-Müller-Counter under high radiation, bass and drums create a dynamic and simultaneously eschatologically atmospheric Post Punk verse. Guitars and vocals complete this apocalyptic sonic sceanrio by adding sweet doomsday romanticism and joyful psychedelia to the soundscape.
As the tension rises during the bridge and collapses in the anthemic and yet short chorus, the arc of suspense does not yank off but increase from verse to verse. Thus, whenever a new climax seems to be near, it just turns out to be one of many steps on the stairway to doom.

Garage meets Jangle Pop, Post Punk kisses Psychedelic Shoegaze, Tom Waits marries Muse, and the whole world is dancing to the rhythm of Earth falling to bits and pieces.

9 o'clock nasty Online:

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