10 of my favourite albums

Since I was nominated to post 10 of my favourite albums within ten days, and also I am a lazy bastard, here is day 1 to 10 out of 10 in one piece:

Supernichts - Fixpunkte & Bojen (2008)
One of my favourite German Punk Rock CDs. Funny, somehow stupid and yet intelligent... somehow. Songs such as "Keine Hochzeit ohne Braut" or "Generation Pissflitsche" will stay a steady companion in my mobile and lighten up every bus or train ride.

Amen 81 - The Hit Pit (2013)
This might have been that one album finally introducing me to political hardcore. Straight up hardcore with some special kind of humour. My favourite tracks still are "Races high" and "Das Palituch" (suck it, anti-imps!).

Totenmond - TonbergUrtod (2005)
Took me some time to decide which Totenmond album to add to this list, and trust me, "Reich in Rost", "Auf dem Mond ein Feuer" and "Thronräuber" could have been mentioned here as well! Finest doomy Punk/Metal/Violence/Whatever mixture turns out to become the most beautiful antifascist art. "Die Euthanasie steht mit dem Volk an den Gulaschkanonen". Well, if that isn't beautiful!

Dead Kennedys - Bedtime for Democracy (1986)
Even though "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables" and "In God we Trust, Inc." might be more famous, I especially love this album. The melodies in tracks such "Potshot heard 'round the world" or "Chickenshit Conformist" are somehow different to the early DK style. Also, to me this is the most sarcastic of all Dead Kennedys' LPs. Just remember "Punk's not dead, it just deserves to die". Indeed, Jello!

Crazy Arm - The Southern Wild (2013)
Folk goes Punk, goes Folk again. I have followed this awesome band from Southern England for almost ten years now. They play the most beautiful concerts, giving you creeps and a smile on your face over and over again. Beautiful melodies meet strong and powerful riffs and a clear and loud message. Also I was very happy to hear their new version of "We don't go there anymore" on this LP. Hey Crazy Arm, wish to see you again soon!

Sleaford Mods - Key Markets (2015)
England again.  When I first listened to the Sleaford Mods, my mind was blown: that mixture of Punk Rock, Spoken Word (Rap?) and a strong portion of "Fuck off!", wow! While their newer works seem to become a bit softer, Key Markets still has that "Fuck you" attitude which I love about this duo so much. Also this LP contains two of my favourite Sleaford Mods tracks "No one's bothered" and "Tarantula Deadly Cargo".

The Clash - Sandinista! (1980)
Without any doubt, this is my absolute favourite by Joe Strummer and The Clash. I won't ever forget the day, my father gave this album to me, or the day I smoked my very first hand-rolled while listening to "The Magnificent Seven"in my first own flat. 36 songs of pure awesomeness! Reggae, Ska, Dub, (Punk) Rock, and so much more combined on three LPs. After all "Up in Heaven (not only here)" might be one of my all-time favourite songs.

Gay for Johnny Depp - The Politics of Cruelty (2007)
Seriously, that band name! That sound and that attitude! Eff yeah! Is it Queercore, Spazzcore or just Hardcore? I don't and won't give a damn, neither now, nor anytime. This album is like a loveful and complex set of punches in the face. My favourite track "To the alcoholics: life IS depressing" contains a beautiful bass line that makes me smile over and over again. Why the hell did you guys break up, huh?

Neurotic Arseholes - Bis zum bitteren Ende (1983)

"Cruise Missile, der Marschflugkörper: Reichweite 2000 Kilometer!" Cheesus Christ! There may be more famous and talented bands playing depressive Punk Rock, but this will always be my favourite. Lyrics between hope, desperation and the Cold War make me shiver and dance every time I listen to this beauty. I could state almost every title here, but I guess "Man in the Box" and "Hauptsache ist..." are my favourite tracks on this LP.

Kylesa - s/t (2002)
I could've gone on with Franz Zappa, Tom Waits, Pink Floyd, Monkey3 and many more but finally decided on Kylesa's debut. Never before have I listened to something that intense. If you peek into the song "Descend within", you might know why I love to play the bass guitar. The slow movement combined with powerful riffings and pure violence gets me every time. Even though I love bands such as 16, ISIS oder Neurosis, Kylesa will stay my favourite Sludge artist.


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