EP Review: Drivdal - Leve (2019)

Nils Drivdal - bass player at In the Woods and singer at Tranquidiots - has recently released an EP called "Leve" ("live") with his solo project Drivdal. For a bit less than 25 minutes Drivdal shoots some heavy kick-ass and fuck-off Black Metal Punk towards your eardrums. And if that wasn't enough, here's even more good news: you can download the entire EP for free!
Behind the cover artwork which honours those who fought fascism in Norway the Kristiansand-based anarchist artist presents a heavy mixture of styles. Rock'n'Roll, 70s Glam Rock merge with rusty Street Punk and gloomy hoarse Raw Black Metal. Thus, the EP shows off plenty of freedom. Divdal can do whatever the hell he wants here. Andy why not produce some heavy Black Metal Punk'n'Roll then?
"Leve" is a diverting and jocular piece of pitch-black art. With an atmosphere situated somewehere between 90s Black Metal, punch-drunk 80s Punk Rock, and hip-moving Rock'n'Roll Nils Drivdal sounds like he had a lot of fun writing and recording these seven tracks.
This is by no means a milestone and was probably never considered becoming one. But Drivdal's EP is very enterntaining and fun to listen to.


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