Album Review: Sigouss - Achievement Hunter (2020)


Picture Credit: Sigouss

Sigouss - Achievement Hunter
Release: August 15, 2020
Label: selfrelease
Format: Digital
Length: 52:02
Genre: Jazz / Funk / Electronica / Prog Metal
Origin: Slovenia

And now, something completely different.
Slovenian artists Sigouss (also known as ZIGI) has created the ten songs on "Achievement Hunter" in 2010 and before. Since the 2020 is a bit weird, why not master and mix the old songs? The outcome is this 52-minute work of Electronic-Prog-Jazz-Funk-Fusion.

The title of the album speaks a clear voice - it's about gaming. Or let's better say, the interchangeable sphere that exists between video games and our reality. Achievements are made, growth and expansion go hand in hand with experience and success. If you see connections to neoliberalism here, I recommend you to read the works by Byung-Chul Han.

Sigouss though creates a colourful atmosphere between Petrucci-like Prog Metal and the beautiful horizons of an 8bit world. Jazzy and funky, the album could be the perfect soundtrack for a retro style video game. Just close your eyes and imagine going from level to level while Sigouss accompanies each of your steps - gorgeous!
Due to the approach, I am kind of reminded of The Mountain King's "Super Dead Isle 2". Music-wise, Sigouss slightly resembles Milanese band Jalayan. It is the variety with which ZIGI lets Funk, Jazz, Prog and Electronica merge to a wholesome and exciting melange.

Sigouss Online:


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