Album Review: Daily Thompson - Oumuamua (2020)


Picture Credit: Daily Thompson

Daily Thompson - Oumuamua
Release: August 21, 2020
Label: Noisolution / Soulfood
Format: Vinyl / CD / Digital
Length: 50:25
Genre: Space Rock / Desert Rock
Origin: Dortmund, Germany

The first time, Daily Thompson were featured on this site was last summer when I reviewed their third album "Thirst". Some days have passed since, and the trio from Dortmund has gone through some immense progress. In the meantime, Daily Thompson has also joined the Noisolution family. And now, we can finally listen to their fourth longplayer "Oumuamua".

The astronomers amongst you will know that Oumuamua is the name of an interstellar object that was discovered through a telescope on Hawaii. The linguists and Hawaiians amongst you will know that Oumuamua is the Hawaiian word for "scout". And those, who didn't know either, don't worry. You are not alone.

"Oumuamua" features seven songs lasting between three and twelve minutes. But that is not the ony thing that has changed compared to the predecessing album. Daily Thompson did not completely abandon their affinity to Desert Rock, and the song 'On my mind' is the perfect example for their burning hot style. Nevertheless, "Oumuamua" contains plenty of Space Rock features - and I am not talking abut the cover artwork.

Psychedelic soundscapes define the major themes on the album and thus create images of galactic travels. But instead of colourful still lifes of exploding stars à la Spacelords, Daily Thompson go warp speed and decorate their fuzzy, spacy Desert Rock with some crunchy Prog Rock.

Another feature I really enjoy on "Oumuamua" is that the bass player sings a lot more than on "Thirst". The interchanging vocals by guitarist and bass player create a gorgeous atmosphere, and the two voices perfectly complement each other on the musical background.

Here, I am repeating myself. But just like when I reviewed the last album by Daily Thompson, I am once more amazed of the immense variety the trio can create with the use of drums, bass and guitar. And with the second last song 'Cosmic Cigar (Oumuamua)', the band has reached the golden ratio between Space and Desert Rock.
Progressive Desert Rock for thirsty Space travellers, I would call it.

Picture Credit: Dennis Treu

Their third album ended with the song 'Spit Out' in which Daily Thompson told us they want to fly to the moon and back. This time, they take us to deep space. The masterpiece ends with the unplugged track 'Rver of a Ghost' which carries the audience to spheres where time and space seem to completely vanish.
Where the following journey will lead us to, we can only guess. I am absolutely excited for it either way. Candidate for "Album of the Year"? Fuzz, yeah!

Daily Thompson Online:


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