Single Review: Avresa - Leave it all (2022)

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Picture Credit: Avresa

Avresa - Leave it all
Release Date: May 20, 2022
Duration: 03:42
Genre: Indie Rock / Alternative Rock
Origin: Sydney, Australia

One does not need to believe in neo-liberal and capitalist mantras to realize that the crisis brought by the pandemic has given us new perspectives. A phenomenon called 'The Great Resignation' is causing employees all over the world leaving their jobs and looking for different occupations or ways to combine well-being and income. Also, not only the way we interact has changed but also many relationships have altered, were reborn, or have finally found their overdue end over the past two years. Is it all bad? Is it call good? Definitely neither.
Has the early Coronacene given us a new perspective on life, the universe and everything? Definitely!
And that is basically the content of Avresa's latest single 'Leave it all' which deals with the point when one realizes that they have to quit their job, to move to another place, to end a toxic relationship, to quit smoking, or to end something else for their own good. Life is short, life is valuable, and the one life we have should not be wasted by bad decisions. Here is how Sydey's Avresa sing this to us:

That one life we have also needs a good soundtrack, and here Avresa's 'Leave it all' fit again. The head-shaking Post Punk intro smoothly slides into a gentle and emotional Alternative Rock anthem. Jeremy Binger's vocals caress the audience as the tension gradually rises.
At the climax, a jolly caterpillar of an Indie Rock lick dances across the atmospheric soundscape (01:50 in the YouTube video). The joy-spreading arthropod pupated and turns into a majestic butterfly. Thus, the transformation has been completed. Self-confident and proud, the song's final passage is a deeply empowering and motivating finale. This uplifting sound perfectly conveys the song's message: do what is good for you, and abandon what hinders you from being happy.

Avresa Online:
Avresa on MangoWave

Music from this release has been added to the following dynamic playlists:
The Mango 100: Cinematic Sounds
The Mango 100: Cooking / Housework
The Mango 100: Indie / Alternative
The Mango 100: Post Punk / New Wave
The Mango 100: Tunes for the Road
Sound of Australia: The Mango 100

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