Album Review: Psychic Seizures - Viral Control (2022)

First of all, and because it cannot be said often enough:

нет войны | ні війні | No War

How to help the people in Ukraine


Picture Credit: Mads Skou Karstens Jorgensen

Psychic Seizures - Viral Control
Release Date: June 26, 2022
Label: selfrelease
Format: Cassette/Digital
Duration: 27:47
Genre: Garage Rock / Psychedelic Rock / Noise
Origin: Berlin, Germany

The album "Viral Control" was recorded in early 2022 when Psychic Seizures-mastermind Mads Skou Karstens Jorgensen was visited by Codey Corso who is based in Los Angeles, California. The recording took place in Mads' living room in German capital Berlin except for the drum tracks of the songs 'My Burned Brain' and 'Dr. Scientist' which were recorded by a person called Rafaele at Berlin's Wong Studios. The result of these sessions are an eight-track album avalaible for streaming and on cassette tape. It contains six songs written by Mads and two written by Codey ('Viral Control' and 'Violent Love (Activation)'). Both musicians contribute their vocals to the album, Mads was responsible for majority of the instruments while Codey took over the percussions by beating the tambourine.

The influences that come together on "Viral Control" are of various origins. Music-wise, one can spot strong impacts by 1960s Psychedelic and Garage Rock. The fuzzy and often muffled sounds are ready to set the audience into a deep and paralyzing trance. This effect is emphasized by another great influence which can be located in the realms of pre-Millenium LoFi Indie Rock, Shoegaze or Noise. Psychic Seizures let humming sounds and vibrating noises join on in electrifying and fuzzy curve.

And as it might appear to be obvious, madness plays a certain role, too. Not madness as in insanity or in losing one's mind. But madness as in not believing what is happening on our planet every day: violence, oppression, manipulation, greed, ...
Consequently, the trancy soundscape frequently leaves the territories of happy-go-lucky or hazy-dazy psychedelia and instead turns into the dark horror trip that can be experienced on Earth day by day. This is horror.

And just like that, Psychic Seizures' "Viral Control" is a powerfully honest and psychedelically sober representation of the status quo of our home planet - for an insane world cannot be depicted via sane music. Sure, this was neither made for mass production nor for the general public, but those who understand "Viral Control" will have a lot of fun with it.

Psychic Seizures Online:
YouTube Music

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