Single Review: Femegades - Be alone (2022)

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Picture Credit: Femegades

Femegades - Be alone
Release Date: July 07, 2022
Label: Regent Street Records
Format: Digital
Duration: 03:11
Genre: Grunge / Alternative Rock
Origin: London, England

Ever since the release of their debut EP "Pornsick", London-based quartet Femegades have constantly shown that they do not hesitate addressing problematic and invonvenient topics regarding gender equality, kyrarchy, or hegemony and violence. Their second EP "Not all men" therefore seamless continues where "Pornsick" ended. In June, the band has teased their audience by releasing the upcoming EP's first ex ante single 'Speechless'. On the first Friday in July 2022, the second single 'Be alone' marked the second milestone of the pre-release phase. Two more months and two more single releases are laying ahead of us until we can the whole EP a spin. But today, let us not yearn for the future but enjoy the present by playing 'Be alone' aloud and on heavy rotation.

On their new song, Femegades concern the topic of surrogate mothers and the whole industry that is connected to this concept. The quartet lets their listeners watch the world through the eyes of a surrogate mother who thinks about her own life, about the children she has given birth to, and about a system that is based on oppression, capitalism, misogyny and hegemonial power structures.

This little and yet harsh food for thought is presented on a dynamic and body-moving Grunge and Indie rhythm. Bitter sarcasm and sober realism are amongst the main ingredients of this spicy tune. This banging anthem leaves you with one leg for dancing and the second one for booting the patriarchy in the bollocks, one hand for raising the glasses and another one to fight oppression with.

This coverage was created via Musosoup #Sustainablecurator

Femegades Online:
Femegades on MangoWave

Music from this release has been added to the following dynamic playlists:
The Mango 100: Indie & Alternative
The Mango 100: Party
The Mango 100: Punk / Hardcore
The Mango 100: Workout
Sound of the UK: The Mango 100

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