Fresh Mango: July 20, 2022

 First of all, and because it cannot be said often enough:

нет войны | ні війні | No War

How to help the people in Ukraine

 Fresh Mango

5 great new releases - 5 short reviews.
 If available on Spotify, one song each will also be added to the MangoRotation playlist (MR) for 14 days.

theWorst - Yes Regrets (MR)
(35:28, Album, Vinyl/CD/Digital, RascalZRecordZ, 02/06/2022)
Brooke, Craig and Will have successfully maintained an exiting anticipation during the promo phase for their sophomore longlayer. And now, here it is: theWorst's new album "Yes Regrets" which contains the ex ante single 'Jim's Song' (click here to read the review) and nine other smashing Grunge and Punk songs.
The trio from Portland, Maine does not beat about the bush or gently point at unleasant topics. Instead, theWorst jump in medias res by opening their second album with the heavly distorted Grunge anthem 'Blacksheepish'. And by this introduction, theWorst instantly clarify whom they create their music for: "Yes Regrets" is a sustainably empowering collection of anthems for the marginalized and forgotten, for those who do not want to take it any more, for the weirdos and their friends - misfit Punk and Grunge for the many!

Illucia - A New Reign (MR)
(41:01, Album, CD/Digital, selfrelease, 11/06/2022)
On their latest full-length release "A New Reign", Heavy Metal quartet Illucia from Indian metropolis Bangalore take their listeners on a fantastic journey exploring the wonders of nature. Driven by raw and speedy soundscapes, the nine tracks celebrate the beauty of our home planet - and thereby remind us how fragile and worth protecting these spheres are. This powerful and imposant tribute to Mother Earth is musicked via classical 1980s New Wave of British Heavy Metal that comes with a modernist twist. Your neck muscles will love this great workout, and everyone who knows how to create a cyclone with their hair should listen to this album.

SupaSonic Fuzz - Cobracadabra (MR)
(47:40, Album, CD/Digital, Orzorock Music, 14/07/2022)
Trio SupaSonic Fuzz from Finale Ligure is one of those bands that give you a clear impression of what their music sounds like by just telling you their name. So, case closed? Hell no! The Italian band's new album "Cobracadabra" deserves a closer look.
Steva, Pixo and Martin provide a full sweeping blow by introducing us to their new longplayer with its title track. Heavyweight desert sand meets the spiky tyres of Mad Max-style trucks that only carry what is necessary: their drivers, the lust for adventure and booze.
And just like that, "Cobracadabra" is a heavyweight and full-speed Desert Rock journey into the most dangerous, most remote, and hottest regions of our universe. Driven by fuzz and heavy kicks, SupaSonic Fuzz invite us to a fantastic high-speed adventure.

Grombira - Lunar Dunes (MR)
(50:46, Album, Vinyl/CD/Digital, Tonzonen, 15/07/2022)
The desert continues on the new album by Grombira (Franconian: potatoes) from my beautiful home town Würzburg, Germany. Only half a year after releasing their previous longplayer "Desert Warp", the band continues their psychedelic journey to remote space far beyond the sky at night.
The five-track opus is by far the most impressive output of Grombira so far as they materfully let Krautrock, Space Rock and the beautiful sounds of Mid-Eastern music merge. The use ofi nstruments such as oud, sitar, quarqaba or saz to name a few perfectly emphasizes the mesmerizing energy of "Lunar Dunes". Therefore, the listeners can imagine gazing at a clear nocturnal sky from a sandy soil and being on the surface, in space, and in between simultaneously. Likewise, the krauty and psychedelic music allows you to follow the rhythms in a sedated way or awake and swift. This makes "Lunar Dunes" the gorgeous kaleidoscope of colours and impressions that this wholesome work is.

Mudfight - Time for Revolution (MR)
(25:40, Album, Vinyl/Digital, SBÄM Records, 15/07/2022)
And last but not least, great news from Gmunden, Upper Austria: Punk Rock is alive! The quintet Mudfight and their full-length release "Time for Revolution" are a massive stela that stands for the next generation of 'Generation Rock'n'Roll'. Taking elements from half a century of Punk Rock history, mixing them with some -billy genres and finally giving them a whole new paint job, Mudfight successfully manage a sweeping blow. They include generations of Punk Rockers while clearly avoiding any kind of conservatism (including conservative Punk). It is "Time for Revolution", and speaking music-wise, it is time for Mudfight!

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