Single Review: 9 o'clock nasty - I'm bent (2022)

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Picture Credit: 9 o'clock nasty

9 o’clock nasty – I’m bent
Release Date: July 30, 2022
Duration: 02:46
Garage Rock / Punk’n’Roll
Leicester, England


How many advertisements for self-optimizing practices or products have you perceived between the time you woke up today and the moment you began reading this? And how many of them triggered that uneasy feeling that is located somewhere between “You don’t get me; I don’t need that crap!” and “Well okay, I could maybe look after changing this or that just a liiiiiitle; but only for myself, because I am worth it”?
Well, let us face it: we live in awful times – especially if we do not fit the requirements of certain ideals concerning our bodies, our physical or mental capabilities, and even our sexuality, gender or ethnicity can be regarded as wrong in certain situations.
What we need is voice that tells us we are beautiful and perfect the way we are, that embraces our being different, and that helps us being content and open with our weirdness; because being different and being weird can be amazing if you just know how to celebrate it. And thus, let us enjoy the new anthem by Leicester’s 9 o’clock nasty. Here is ‘I’m bent’!

On the surface, Sydd, Pete and Ted create a similar sound as they did on their Ouija board destroyer ‘Darker Star’. Nevertheless, apart from this successful formula some changes can be spotted. First and most dominant is the colouring of ‘I’m bent’ which does not follow the gloomy Post Punk elements of recent 9 o’clock nasty releases. Instead, the three musicians let a bright, motivating, and empowering soundscape fill the spaces between the anthemic vocals. And what would fit this sonic image better than some energizing and dynamic Punk’n’Roll?
Like a heavyweight steam roller, 9 o’clock nasty plough through beauty palaces, gyms, boutiques, and bars. The rubble they leave behind is covered in love and rainbows, and it contains the one important message: you’re beautiful, and you should dance and work out to this tune.

9 o'clock nasty Online:

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