EP Review: Buridan's Bridge - Diafora (2022) - Guest Post by Dmitriy Churilov

 First of all, and because it cannot be said often enough:

нет войны | ні війні | No War

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Picture Credit: Mark Liedtke

Buridan's Bridge - Diafora
Release Date: March 25, 2022
Label: selfrelease
Format: Digital
Duration: 14:21
Genre: Alternative Rock / Stoner Rock
Origin: Hamburg, Germany

The serpent takes another bite at its tail as Buridan's Bridge present their reinvention of classic alternative rock straight from 2010.

Latest three track EP by the German act is entitled Diafora, which means “different” in Greek. This fits well - we haven’t heard something like that in a while. What comes to mind when Nocturnal starts playing? Well, it’s the best band in the whole fucking world which is of course The Alkaline Trio. Jokes aside, Buridan's Bridge manages to connect all the best value points of dramatic punk (thanks to cello and choirs), emo and alt rock, covering the territories conquered by Hot Water Music, Three Days Grace and any other band not afraid to spill their feelings and be vulnerable.

As Anderson Council begins to play I couldn’t help but note how well crafted this release is. It’s simple, but thought out, sentimental, but not cheesy, and its self serving angst only adds to the charm.

When I say simple, I only mean easy to listen and enjoy - it sounds accessible, while being a product of some grade-A creme fraiche songwriting. Check out that gritty guitar tone, which is exactly in its place, highlighting the melodies and crunching behind the vocals. And the vocals are outstanding - hailing from the era of big major label bands that actually rocked - the screams, the singing, the overall feeling transmits honesty and raw emotional charge. You could’ve read this line a million times before, but you know what it means: not that I am just too lazy to come up with something less cliche, but that sweet sensation inside, when you see an adult, who is still capable of showing his true colours and singing about it.

Picture Credit: Buridan's Bridge

Self-titled track closes the EP, leaving the bittersweet aftertaste of rapturous melancholy. That special kind of sadness that doesn’t bother you, but makes you happier in the end.

Diafora is a short, but impressive release. And a real gift for anyone missing the epic alt rock of the previous decade (see Oomph, Scorpions, Avenged Sevenfold) but ready to consume it with a modern sound sauce (1000 mods, Brand New, Dead Rituals).

Text by Dmitriy Churilov


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