EP Review: Those Fucking Snowflakes - Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage (2020)

Photo Credit: Those Fucking Snowflakes

Those Fucking Snowflakes - Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage
Release: June 19, 2020
Format: Digital
Length: 17:08

Here it is, my first review I got to via the platform MusoSoup.
So before I start talking about the EP "Straight Wealthy White Male Suffrage" by Those Fucking Snowflakes, let me lose a few words about the platform.
Your music needs promo and you don't wanna pay thousands of $$? Submit your music here and reach out to a huge network of great bloggers and promoters for just a tenner.
Photo Credit: Those Fucking Snowflakes

As Skin from Skunk Anansie once sang "Yes, it's fucking political, everything's political! Yes, it's fucking satirical, everything's satirical!". Case closed, EP reviewed.
Well okay, there is more that should be appreciated. Those Fucking Snowflakes take up on the contemporary state of political and social phenomena and brutally satirize them. To give you a short overview on who the shots are fired at: sexists and misogynists, incels, antifeminists and male rights supporters, homophobes, Donald J. Trump, Morrissey and his rightwing antisemite entourage, Boris Johnson, people and politicians who think healthcare is a privilege, and more.
In other words: this is the release I have been waiting for!
(seriously, Those Fucking Snowflakes have a high chance to appear in my bachelor thesis on sexism in contemporary UK Punk Culture)
Photo Credit: Those Fucking Snowflakes

Goddamit, Blogger! When are you going to fix your YouTube search? The last update was a downgrade for sure.
(and imagine it to be embedded)

Besides taking clear position againstall kinds of stupid aresholes we have to deal with these days, Those Fucking Snowflakes play really cool music. A rough thunderstorm of Hardcore Punk, Mathcore, and Noise rattles through the five songs with brachial force and humorous selfreflection. Those Fucking Snowflakes kick butt, where Black Flag, Fugazi, Palm Reader, and New Primals (hot recommendation!) meet.
Got nothing more to add. I love it!

Those Fucking Snowflakes Online:


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