Album Review: Harry Gump - Von Mauern, Türmen, Brücken und Wegen (2020)
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Picture Credit: Harry Gump |
Harry Gump - Von Mauern, Türmen, Brücken und Wegen
Release Date: December 18, 2020
Label: True Trash Records / 30 Kilo Fieber Records / Never Grow Up
Format: CD / Digital
Length: 38:05
Genre: Acoustic Punk / Anti-Folk
Origin: Munich, Germany
The digital version of the Never Grow Up Fest is still running and meanwhile Munich's Punk bard Harry Gump is releasing his newest album "Von Mauern, Türmen, Brücken und Wegen". The long German title can be translated to "Of Walls, Towers, Bridges, and Paths". The album contains a dozen of songs that were recorded in the artist's living room.
Some of the songs are completely new, others are not. For example, 'Alles Gute (bei allem was du machst)' (German: 'All the best (with everthing that you do)') was also featured on the recent EP "Stimmen aus den Trümmern" ("Voices from the Debris"). And the EP's title track opens the new album. Also, the song 'Team Gates' was released as a Single in the days of the first lockdown in Germany.
"Von Mauern, Türmen, Brücken und Wegen" is a heartful collection of emotional and political Acoustic Punk songs. Harry Gump makes use of warm sounds and reflected lyrics to narrate about companionship, love, resistance against hatred, solidarity and many other important topics of our days. Fortunately, the album only features one Corona song which is the great track 'Team Gates'. The song that you can listen to in the video above ironically but clearly opposes the voices of conspiracy theorists that spread their anti-democratic and antisemite message in Germany and elsewhere.
"Von Mauern, Türmen, Brücken und Wegen" features some guest musicians which support Harry Gump at voice and instruments. Those are MX (Rather Racoon), Simon Grape, Siona, Marc Villon and GrGr (Zoo Escape), and Martin Vraket (The Sensitives). Some of those guests joined the artist in his living / recording room while other preferred to make their contribution via the internet since the subway connection from Sweden to Bavaria still needs some improvements.
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Picture Credit: Harry Gump |
Harry Gump's new album is heavy load of thoughts about our life and all that needs improvement. Despite the deep content, "Von Mauern, Türmen, Brücken und Wegen" is constantly spreading positivity. With his dynamic movements and warm voice, Gump shoots his narrative thorugh our eardrums straight to brains, hearts and livers. Concluding, the first lines of the album make an ideal wrap-up of this review:
"Lasst und tanzen, lasst uns singen, als wär's das letzte Lied; als würd' da draußen diese Welt untergehen". ("Let's dance, let's sing as if it was the last song; as if this world out there would end").
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