News: Katie Frank - Politician (2021)

Picture Credit: Katie Frank

Katie Frank - Politician
Release Date: January 29, 2021
Length: 04:03
Genre: Alternative Rock / Country
Origin: Nashville (Tennessee), USA

When you have worked in teams, you pretty much that one person that is addressed in this song. There is always that one self-declared heroine or hero presenting themselves as the big deal while the rest of the team does 97,6% of the work. But for some reason those people know when to pretend to be working hard. Katie Frank has written a beautiful song for those self-adulators, and calls them 'policiticians'.
In her song, the artist merges the harmony of country with the gloomy energy of Alternative Rock. The outcome is a melodic and dynamic track that invites you to move your feet, raise a glass, and maybe show the finger to those 'politicians'.

Content from the MangoNews will always stay in the MangoRotation playlist for 14 days.

This coverage was created via Musosoup #Sustainablecurator

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