News: Lee (EgoTherapie) revives legendary Punk Band Die Bordsteinratten

Picture Credit: Die Bordsteinratten
Artwork: The Black Elephant Band

Die Bordsteinratten (German: kerb rats) are some kind of a legend in recent German Punk Rock. The first song 'Besoffen in der Strazenbahn' ('drunk on the tram') was released back in 2014. Two or three years laters, Lee and I planned on playing the very first Bordsteinratten concert which unfortunately had to be canceled.
Now, Lee has recorded a 15-track album called "Akustischer Gestank" ("acoustic stench") in his living room. And fuck me, this is punk as hell! Imagine Japanische Kampfhörspiele, Kotzreiz, NXD, and Zusamm-Rottung joining forces. Well, just listen to it:


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