Album Review: Maynard - On the Verge of Sth. (2021)

Picture Credit: Maynard

Maynard - On the Verge of Sth.

Release Date: February 26, 2021
Label: selfrelease
Format: Digital
Length: 34:30
Genre: (Post-) Grunge / Stoner Rock
Origin: Berlin, Germany

The 1990s were a weird time. Being born in the late 1980s, I have witnessed this strange decade very well. And for about almost ten years, we have experienced a big 90s revival. In the beginning that was horrible. Predominantly, people who were born between 1995 and 2005 went to so-called 90s parties and pretended to enjoy the crappy music by Scooter, DJ Bobo or Rednex. Geez, that pissed me off like crazy.
But the nineties had amazing music, too. Think of L7, Alanis Morrisette or Soundgarden. It was the rise of Grunge and Alternative Rock that made this era so special (amongst many other things, of course). And this is now finally getting its revival, too. With bands like Passionless Pointless, 24/7 Diva Heaven, Hand Off Gretel or Riot Spears, one of the best musical impact from the 90s is coming back, too.

Berlin's trio Maynard call their style Post-Grunge. And I approve that their music is a rather modern version of Grunge. The silken darkness is not as dominant as it was in the sounds by many pre-Millenium artists. Instead, their crunchy and fuzzy tunes are combined with a strong Stoner Rock impact. In the bridges between parts especially, Maynard add gorgeous Desert Rock fills.
Maynard's "On the Verge of Sth." is a melancholic but romantic and positive release. Partially, the sounds are a bit too boppy for my taste but nevertheless the atmosphere is great. Also, the vocals could use some more weight. Altogether, Maynard have produced a catchy and atmospheric album. "On the Verge of Sth." makes me hope, the band will release much more of their stunning Post-Desert Grunge in the future.

Maynard Online:


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