News: The Best Around - Bitter Pill (2021)

Picture Credit: Todd Prune

 The Best Around - Bitter Pill
Release Date: September 01
Length: 02:40
Genre: Indie Rock
Origin: Austin, TX, USA

In late 2016, unbelievable news shocked major parts of the Western world: the 45th president of our planet's most powerful nation is an entrepreneur and entertainer. The four years between 2017 and 2021 seemed to last forever and the aftermath can still be felt in many places of politics and society.
Democracy getting undermined, society perpetually dividing, and progress getting interrupted and reversed were only some of the daily phenomena that coined this period. And after all, COVID19 hitting us in 2020 has only made it worse.
Jon, Todd, and Camron from Austin, Texas have produced a song looking back on these times and their longterm consequences. Thus, 'Bitter Pill' feels like a horrible nightmare that consequently leads to a panic attack.

The dominant synthie organ sound reminds of circus music, but referring to the song's content it is obvious that the clowns in this circus are the one that will haunt you in your worst dreams. The main musical theme also reminds of a breakdown. Think of Nancy Sinatra tripping up on her boots or Lewis Carroll's Alice missing the right exit while rolling down the rabbit hole, and finding herself at a destination that not even Tim Burton would make a film about.
It is part of our reality that is musicked in 'Bitter Pill'. And the way, The Best Around have done this, is amazing. Their sonic panic attack 'Bitter Pill' is not only a great tune to shake off negativity to, it is a thrilling Indie Rock tune with a very dark Post Punk twist, too.

Music from every post will stay in the MangoRotation playlist for 14 days.

This coverage was created via Musosoup #Sustainablecurator

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