Album Review: 偏執症者 (Paranoid) - Cursed (2021)

Picture Credit: 偏執症者 (Paranoid)
Artwork: Danu Bharata

 偏執症者 (Paranoid) - Cursed
Release Date: May  07, 2021
Label: Paranoid Northern Discs
Format: Digital
Length: 36:39
Genre: D-Beat
Origin: Frösön, Sweden

Less than eight months after the release of their previous smashing album "Out Raising Hell", Frösön's 偏執症者 (Paranoid) are back with "Cursed". The Swedish band with a faible for Japanese culture and arts shoots full salvos and spits venom on their ten new tracks - each of them with a Japanese title an English lyrics.

If you know 偏執症者 (Paranoid), you might already have some expectations of what"Cursed" might sound like - and you will not be disappointed. 偏執症者 (Paranoid) are not considering about taking prisoners as their brachial mix of D-Beat and Thrash Metal Punk rages like a horde of berserkers. The intro '前兆 (Zenchou)' (Japanese: 'Omen') and intermission '予感 (Yokan)' ('Premonition') are the only calm three minutes on "Cursed". The rest is awesome full-throttle D-Beat. Also, on their new work, the sound of 偏執症者 (Paranoid) has received a certain Crust Punk impact.
Altogether, a beautiful powerload. Music for the fast lane, for deconstruction, and for a flaming moshpit.

Content from the MangoReviews will always stay in the MangoRotation playlist for 14 days.

偏執症者 (Paranoid) Online:


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