News: Calva Louise announce new album for August 2021


Picture Credit: Calva  Louise

Manchester's Calva Louise will release a new full-length on August 20, 20201. Here is a first pretaste for the new album, the ex ante single "Tiranito".

The video in minimalist dark colouration emphasizes the soudscapes of this thrilling song. With the verses coined by dark Alternative Rock, Calva Louise show that they have gone through some serious progress sincethe release of their Grunge Punk LP "Rhinoceros". The chorus of "Tiranito" is a powerful metallic blast approaching the sonic realms of Industrial Metal. After this massive discharge of electricty, the song transgresses to Iberian Folk tunes.
With this exciting and versatile ex ante single, the anticipation for  upcoming album "Euphoria" is huge. I am really surprised by that new song, and I am very excited about what Calva Lousie have worked out.

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